Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Big Day Record

    In my last post ,the P.S., I said that my Big Day record was 32. Please disregard that. On August 10, 2013 I attended an Audubon trip to Ano Nuevo State Park, and there we saw 41 birds (15 of which were lifers, and another 2 FOYS). On that day, I also remember seeing an ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD in the morning, making my current Big Day record 42: the answer to life, the universe and everything (and also to the question as to what my Big Day record is.)


ABA Lifelist: 144  
ABA Yearlist: 125

World Lifelist: 177
World Yearlist: 160

     In a few days, I will post a Hawaii trip report, where I saw 17 lifers and 1 FOY. The trip report will include not only birding, but also our adventures on the island with photos. This way, I can remember the entire trip when I'm older.

Good birding,


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